channel U first album Ape-man Talking

Yusuke Yamamoto's solo project [channel U] features an enticingly eclectic attitude by merging an adept sense of electronica, dub and jazz with the primal sounds of Africa, Brazil and Asia. Tracks on its newly released first album, "APE-MAN TALKING", exhibit a full range of emotionally engaging music with the use of everything from slick vibes, hypnotic flutes, pacifying melodicas and synths, mesmerizing vocals to world beats, exotic melodies, acoustic instruments and minimal programming. Remixed versions of original [channel U] tracks by Chimp Beams and DUB Nomads, as well as guest musicians, offer additional facets to the already colorful palette. In the end, all elements weave into a rich piece of work that one might call, "the sound of one world".


released July 30, 2005

Available at Bandcamp 

Yusuke Yamamoto's website

New York based musician, Yusuke Yamamoto's official Page. New Yorkを拠点に世界で活躍する、ミュージシャン, 山本祐介のオフィシャルサイトです。 also home of channel U and Golden Monkeys


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